About me

I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Cybersecurity Hub of Macquarie University in Australia. My research there associates Data Privacy and Machine Learning in collaboration with Hassan Asghar, Dali Kaafar and Benjamin Zhao.

During my PhD and a short postdoc, I worked in the Petrus team of the Inria institute in France in collaboration with Nicolas Anciaux and Iulian Sandu Popa. We proposed computation strategies to efficiently leverage Trusted Execution Environments inside Personal Data Management Systems (PDMS). Our solutions limited data leakage against the particular threat of an untrusted computation code running inside the PDMS.

Before starting my PhD, I obtained a MSc in Computer Science from Paris-Saclay University. Specialized in Computer Security, I studied Cryptography, Web, Applications, System and Networks Security, Intrusion detection and Secure Programming. During this period I was the recipient of a merit scholarship by the DigiCosme laboratory of excellence.